Dear friends,

Happy new year for everyone.

According with the RC procedures I´m sending the 2019 IANA Performance Matrix Summary for your consideration.

We collected the information from the IANA website (​) and circulated among the RIR members who added information related to some requests not registered in the IANA monhly reports.

They were three /8 delegations (2 ARIN and 1 RIPE NCC) and one special case of IPv6 allocation to RIPE NCC.

I don´t remember if we have had similar situations in the two previous years and I don´t know why this interactions were not included in the IANA reports. But probably, we should recommed to the NRO asking IANA to include in future reports this kind of interactions with the RIRs.

Best regards,


Ernesto Majó

Director Ejecutivo Adjunto
Deputy Executive Director
Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry