On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 3:03 AM Nurani Nimpuno <nurani@nimblebits.net> wrote:
Hi Martin and Louie,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 
Like I said on today’s call, our task is important but in essence rather simple. 

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We have made a conscious effort in the past years to produce a fairly standardised report, can be easily reproduced every year and that is not overly cumbersome for the IANA RC members to produce in a short space of time, but that still has all the right information included. We also wanted to make sure we could work collaboratively in a tool that is accessible to all RC members. We have made it accessible on the web as well as in a downloadable PDF format. 

I don’t think we can or should reduce this report to a one pager, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t improve it of course! We have asked the RIRs to get help from their comms teams to “prettify” the RIR Matrix as that is the element that the RIRs are responsible for. So I encourage everyone to provide feedback to the suggested format that John circulated on the list yesterday.

I'm not suggesting we reduce it to one pager per se'. However, if the IANA meets the SLA's month, after month, after month there is not a lot of advisory or analysis needed. To some extent, and for example, if they met the SLA 100% for a 12 month period we might simply comment 'the IANA is doing their job'. [note paraphrase] The rest feels like boilerplate which we may consider referencing through an incorporated URL. Perhaps we can also cut expenses of translation? My base idea would be to make it readable by a high school student so that we help further the internet community by making our complex transactions as simple as possible.

>If you want to send a draft report to the list with the suggested changes to next year’s report outside of the Matrix, we can make some room at our January meeting to consider them.

I'm on board for writing. I suggest a rethink of the report presentation would be great for 2022. For 2021, if we can reduce the page count by reducing the content and increasing its value I do have time to help [Louie?] if needed.

Thank you team!

Warm regards,
