Dear RC


The main goal of this call would the finalisation of the report as you sent it.


Here is a draft agenda, open to changes and suggestions.



0. Welcome
1. Roll Call
2. Agenda Review
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Review of Open Action Items

5. Finalization of RC Report

- Final Report

- Publication and Announcement

6. Next Meeting

7. AOB
8. Adjourn


Open Actions


New Action Item 240119-1: CHK to update the Final IANA RC Report to include the changes brought up during the 19 January meeting and circulate it via the IANA RC mailing list for review.


New Action Item 240119-2: GV to send a doodle poll to decide on the date of the next IANA RC meeting, the purpose of which will be to finalize the 2023 IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Report.





German Valdez