Dear Nate and all,

Happy New Year. 

Thank you very much for this report Nate. I am happy to see that no major issues have been reported.

Can I please ask all RC members to review this report thoroughly in preparation of our first meeting of the year.

Please refer to our draft report template as the basis for our work:

For those of you who are new members of the Review Committee, it may also be helpful to refer to our operating procedures:

I have asked German to send out a doodle poll to set the time for our first meeting. Please complete this at your earliest convenience. 

The report will be published for the community to review and provide feedback on. At our first RC meeting of the year, we will review the report and determine the work plan for the conclusion and publication of our report. 

I look forward to meeting with you all soon!

Kind regards,

Nurani Nimpuno, chair

On 29 Jan 2018, at 19:13, Nate Davis <> wrote:

Happy New Year to all of you.
As a follow up to our last conference call and committed dates, I have completed the attached draft performance matrix summary based on IANA’s performance reports as published at:
Please note that there are two populated sheets in the attached Excel spreadsheet, sheet 1 provides the monthly summary.  IANA began providing performance reports
in March and thus the summary matrix begins at that time, concluding in December.  Sheet 2, provides the specific requests details and performance metric information.
I would ask that RIR staff specifically review the attached for accuracy in order that other RC team members can begin to formulate the draft report.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Nate Davis
Chief Operating Officer
American Registry for Internet Numbers
<IANA RC Spreadsheet DRAFT 2017 Annual Summary Matrix.xlsx>_______________________________________________
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