I agree with Guangliang, all good with the correction.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 3, 2020, at 6:07 AM, Guangliang Pan <gpan@apnic.net> wrote:

Done. Corrected in the document.





From: Nurani Nimpuno <nurani@nimblebits.net>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 March 2020 9:00 PM
To: Guangliang Pan <gpan@apnic.net>
Cc: Louis Lee <louie@louie.net>; German Valdez <german@apnic.net>; rc@nro.net
Subject: Re: [IANA-RC] Agenda: IANA RC 2nd 2020 Teleconference: Tuesday 3 March 2020 at 12:00 PM UTC


Great. Thanks for your correction Guangliang. That is an important catch.



Would you mind correcting the report directly in the google doc?


Thank you and kind regards,


On 3 Mar 2020, at 11:58, Guangliang Pan <gpan@apnic.net> wrote:


Hi Nurani and Louie,


The report looks good to me. 


One correction in point 4 “Conclusion”


“One ASN allocation was made – during June to RIPE NCC”


Should be:


“One ASN allocation was made – during June to APNIC”


The ASN allocation was made to APNIC not RIPE NCC in June 2019. The table is correct, just the message in the Conclusion needs to updated.







From: rc-bounces@nro.net <rc-bounces@nro.net> On Behalf Of Louie Lee
Sent: Tuesday, 3 March 2020 7:43 PM
To: Nurani Nimpuno <nurani@nimblebits.net>
Cc: German Valdez <german@apnic.net>; rc@nro.net
Subject: Re: [IANA-RC] Agenda: IANA RC 2nd 2020 Teleconference: Tuesday 3 March 2020 at 12:00 PM UTC


Thank you, Nurani.


I've accepted all your suggested changes which include:

  • Added parentheses around the defined term "RC".
  • Rewritten lines to better meaning and readability.
  • Updated links to all the RIR announcements (except for the AfriNIC announcement as you've already noted)

I've also added parentheses around the other defined terms in the document for consistency.


Attached is the PDF of version 0.5 which I'm sending because version 0.4 that you sent did not incorporate your suggestions.




On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 12:22 AM Nurani Nimpuno <nurani@nimblebits.net> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

Please review the latest draft of the report before our call today.

Can I please ask all IANA RC members to review the current draft and provide their comments either on the list or during today’s meeting?


(Also attached as a PDF.)

Thank you Louie for your work on this.

I have updated the announcement URLs and made some minor changes and updates. However, I cannot seem to find the URL for the AfriNIC announcement. Madhvi could I please ask you to update this? 

Can I also ask that all RIR colleagues review the RIR Matrix included in particular and confirm its accuracy? 


At our meeting today, we will go through the report in detail and decide whether or not we believe it is ready to be published or we need further modifications. 


Please find below the agenda for today’s meeting.


Agenda IANA RC Teleconference 3 March 2020
0. Welcome
1. Approval of Minutes 
2. Review of Open Action Items
3. Finalising the IANA RC report 
4. AOB
5. Next meeting
6. Adjourn


Thank you and kind regards,



On 17 Feb 2020, at 05:39, German Valdez <german@apnic.net> wrote:

Dear RC

This is just a friendly reminder for the next IANA Review Committee Teleconference to be held next week on Tuesday 3 March 2020 at 12:00 PM UTC.


German Valdez


Topic: IANA RC 2nd 2020 Teleconference
Time: Mar 3, 2020 12:00 PM GMT

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