(apologies for cross posting AC-Coord and RC)


I believe the attached document is in response to action item 20170111-06: 
"BJ to send the suggestion about a second F2F meeting to the list."

After review of the document it seems this is justification is based on the need to
complete Review Committee work.  

Reading between the line I think you are suggesting that the the Review Committee 
members should also meet during the ASO AC face to face at the ICANN meeting.
In addition, the Review Committee needs a second face to face meeting for a few
years while the RC is boot strapping, and settling in.   

If my assessment is correct, I would suggest that this discussion moved to the RC list.

If you agree, please respond as such and move ac-coord@aso.icaan.org to bcc



On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 5:32 AM, Brajesh Jain <brajesh.jain@spectranet.in> wrote:

Dear all,


I have attempted a brief note as attached for further deliberations.


Basically for Review Committee to function effectively, there is need for in depth multiple deliberations with constant feedback/inputs from Community. Such inputs are best sought  through interaction being present at ICANN.


Thanks and regards



AC-coord mailing list

Jason Schiller|NetOps|jschiller@google.com|571-266-0006