Thank you for the very thorough response, Jason!. I was not clear in saying that my interest is for how we'd like to proceed for the 2019 report. 


On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 7:24 PM Jason Schiller <> wrote:

My recollection is that the 2018 report was already published and there was no plan to adjust the 2018 document.
I have included the relevant snippets from emails below.

WRT to future reports, we did discuss this at the March 20th meeting, and agreed to address this on future reports,
though I do not believe we decided on a preferred option.  I do not believe there have been additional discussions
of this until now.  (I believe this is the context for your question about coalescing on an option.)

There was some discussion about:
1. removing the "more info" button
2. including the expanded more info (and removing the "less info" button)
3. including a link to report.  

The decision was deferred since there was some suspicion that the IANA report formatting may be changed 
in the near future, and that we strongly encouraged the RIRs to see if the format could be more friendly to 
being cut and pasted into our report (though our matrix does not require the format to mirror what IANA publishes).  

I suggest we re-consider the options and close the loop on this question prior to the end of the year, so that our
focus in 2020 is not distracted from publishing the matrix and the report.  

We also discussed if the two comments received through unofficial channels, after the comment period had closed
should be formally documented somewhere, or included as comments for the 2019 year report.  Consensus at that time
was to not include them in the 2019 report, nor formally record them anywhere other than our minutes (which I think 
are fairly detailed in this regard).


See email thread from March 8, 2019 with 
subject: [IANA-RC] Fwd: [ripe-list] 2018 IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Report Published

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 7:19 PM Jason Schiller <> wrote:
I'm not sure the best way forward.

1. leave the report as is, and consider the comment is after the cut off date, but consider it for future work.
2. simply remove the buttons from our existing report as this could be a source of confusion.
3. remove the buttons, and update the date of the report
4. remove the buttons, update the date of the report, and acknowledge the post comment period comment in our report.

any other thoughts on possible was forward?

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 8:42 PM Nurani Nimpuno <> wrote:
The report has been published and announced. The comments were sent to me off-list and not as part of the public comment period.  

I suggest we leave the report as it is and take this input with us for next year’s report. 

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 8:47 PM Jason Schiller <> wrote:
Sounds reasonable. 

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 10:07 PM Juan Alejo Peirano <> wrote:
I'm also in favor of leaving the report as it is, especially considering  that comments were made "not as part of the public comment period" .

It's actually a shame, because having comments shows involvement of the community. Hope we will have some in the future.

On Sat, Mar 9, 2019 at 4:46 AM Ernesto Majó <> wrote:
+1 [in response to Nurani's email sugestig we leave it as is] 

My recollection is for future reports to not include the "more info" button.

I personally have no strong stance on either decision, except that perhaps 

On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 11:28 AM Louie Lee <> wrote:
Thanks for that, German.


On the one comment to improve report with the screenshots where there are links on the original page, I don’t know if we have coalesced on either of these options:

1. Add a link in our report to the link destination.
2. Remove the link reference (e.g. “more info” button)

I rather like #1 even though the link can become stale over time.


On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 8:57 AM German Valdez <> wrote:
Dear RC

In preparation of the next teleconference please refer to the minutes of the last meeting



On 7/11/19, 11:21 am, " on behalf of German Valdez" < on behalf of> wrote:


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