Everyone — please accept my apologies. I’ve been very busy at my day job and missed this. 

I will follow through to January as committed. Let me catch up on AI’s and get back to you all.  We should be able to recover quickly considering the small 2022 activity. 

Warm regards, 



On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 13:21 German Valdez Aviles <german@apnic.net> wrote:



Here is a draft agenda for this week teleconference. Feel free to suggest any changes






IANA RC 17 November Draft Agenda:

  1. Welcome and intro 
  2. Review of Open Action Items 
    1. New Action Item 220315-1: GV to submit the approved 2021 IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Report to the NRO EC. If the NRO EC has no concerns, GV to publish the report by the end of this week or next week. 
    2. New Action Item 220315-2: GV to send out a Doodle poll in late October to schedule an IANA RC meeting in the third or fourth week of November. 
    3. New Action Item 220315-3: GV to circulate the minutes of the 15 March IANA RC meeting on the IANA-RC mailing list for comments/approval. 
  3. Review of IANA Numbers Performance reports 2022 
    1. IANA Number Resource Performance Reports  https://www.iana.org/performance/numbers
  1. Review process  
    1. RIR Matrix (RIR representatives)
    2. Improvements from 2021 report [2] - Draft report
    3. Community Consultation Outreach. Dates and dissemination efforts.
    4. IANA RC 2022 report draft. Volunteers.
  1. RC Chair election 
    1. Call for RC Chair nominations Jan 2023 
  1. Next meeting - Jan 2023
  2. AOB
  3. Adjourn 

[1] References 

Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) 


Internet Number Community – IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Charter 


IANA Review Committee Operating Procedures 

https://www.nro.net/wp-content/uploads/IANA-Review-Committee-Operating- Procedures_v2.0_10-October-2019.pdf 

Service Level Agreement for the IANA numbering Services 


[2] IANA RC 2021 report 




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