First off, let me not confuse anyone but the details that follow... I totally agree and support moving forward as proposed. 

I also have three sugestions to consider. 

1. Does a time adjacent to the Copenhagen work better in terms of eliminating timing conflicts? (This is not an issue for me)

2. I think the charter is quite vague so determining operating procedures is likely going to take quite a bit of time. 

I don't necessarily think the charter needs changing, but it would be good if we tightened up our collective thoughts on what role the RC should play. 

I started a doc with comments. I am willI got to add you all as collaborators if you send along your gmail account.

3. We should have some loose idea of what we want for operating procedures prior to meeting, or we will be unlikely to conclude our meeting with procedures. 

I'm guessing we will need at least 3 revisions, one kind of high level, then getting a first draft of text out, sitting down and collectively molding that into procedures we like, and then a word smithing session. 


On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 10:13 PM German Valdez <> wrote:

Dear Review Committee

If you are agree with this message, can we have a first step to define this meeting during the coming ICANN meeting in Copenhagen ? Maybe  a doodle poll to set a date and time.

Looking forward to receiving your feedback.


German Valdez


> On 17 Dec 2016, at 5:17 AM, Oscar A. Robles-Garay <> wrote:


> Dear Review Committee Members,


> First of all, on behalf of the NRO EC I want to thank you for your participation in the Review Committee.


> You may have seen already the associated RC Charter documentation:


> And the full list of RC members as well:


> The NRO EC instructed me to request the RC to prepare your first meeting, and suggest to meet around/during ICANN meeting in Copenhagen (since some of you will be there). Bare in mind that the RC will meet entirely by teleconference, so those not attending ICANN 58 may still participate and those teleconferences must be open to the public who wish to listen. The NRO EC Secretariat will be happy to help to coordinate logistics.


> In that first meeting you should define your Leadership Roles and any other internal procedure you think it is appropriate. We expect you to have the first Report Review by mid 2017.


> Should you have any other question don't hesitate to let me know.

> Best Regards,


> Oscar Robles

> NRO EC Chairman





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