Filiz, all,

On 1 Mar 2017, at 13:41, Filiz Yilmaz <> wrote:

Dear all,

It is a little hard to follow the point-per-point mail thread but here are my views on having face-to-face meetings very briefly:

1. We seem to be looking at a very limited amount of work here: reviewing few requests put in place in a calendar year.

It is indeed. This is why the CRISP team envisaged the Review Committee work to be very lightweight. 

The handful (if even) of requests that the RIRs submit to IANA per year, are simple and minimalist in nature. In principle, if the RIRs are happy with that service, I cannot see what I as a community member would need to interfere. 

In the 15+ years that I have been an active member of the RIR community, I cannot recall any incident in the IANA numbering services that the RIR community felt that it had to review or comment on. 

That doesn’t of course mean that the community is not important. The CRISP proposal has an entire section describing the regional RIR communities, the importance of the bottom-up, inclusive and transparent policy-making processes and governance structures. 

The intention behind creating the Review Committee was in now way an attempt to replace any of those existing regional processes. It was simply to create an avenue for the community to provide it’s input, and for the RIRs to have an avenue to seek input from the community, should they feel the need. 

2. May I remind everyone that our Charter as published reads:

"Section 8 Proceedings
.... The Review Committee will meet entirely via teleconference for its activities. "

The intention here with "entirely" seems to mean "exclusively", "only" or "solely" to me.
This is probably written this way anticipating the very limited amount of work from the committee to start with. 

In light of these two points I suggest we stick to teleconferences and drop having the discussion about face-to-face meetings.

Agreed. Given the very limited scope and rather minimal workload of the Review Committee, I do not foresee the need for regular face-to-face meetings. 

(I think it is fine for us all to come together in Copenhagen, simply because most of us will be physically present, but there is not a need per se for a physical meeting.)

Kind regards,


Kind regards
Filiz Yilmaz