Thanks Nurani.

No objections from my side to publish the minutes.


El 17/11/17 a las 10:54, Nurani Nimpuno escribió:
Dear colleagues,

Thanks all for your contribution on the call today. 

At the start of today’s call, I said that these minutes had been published on the NRO website, but as Susannah pointed out, they have in fact not been approved and published. 

Does anyone object to having these minutes approved and published? (Or are there any corrections needed before publishing?) 

If not, I will ask the secretariat to publish these minutes. 



Begin forwarded message:

From: German Valdez <>
Subject: [IANA-RC] Minutes IANA RC May Teleconference
Date: 4 September 2017 at 15:20:58 GMT+2
To: "" <>


I realized my email with the minutes of May Teleconference got caught many weeks ago in the mailing list filter as it was sent from an account not subscribed in the list. This is fixed now. Apologies for this mistake


IANA Review Committee Teleconference
11 May 2017, 12:00 PM UTC


IANA Review Committee Members

Omo Oaiya OO
Douglas Onyango DO

Brajesh Jain BJ
Tomohiro Fujisaki TF
George Kuo GK

Louie Lee  LL
Jason Schiller -JS - Co Chair
Nate Davis ND

Nicolas Antoniello NA
Ernesto Majo EM

Filiz Yilmaz  FY
Nurani Nimpuno  NN - Chair
Andrew de la Haye  AH

Madhvi Gokool

Izumi Okutani IO
Jorge Villa JV

German Valdez - GV


0 Welcome
1 Roll Call
2 Minutes Review 15 March 2017
3 Review Open Actions
4 IANA Review Committee Operating Procedures
5 IANA Performance Report Structure & Schedule
6 Next Meeting
8 Adjourn

0 Welcome

NN welcomed the participants and started the meeting at 12:03 PM

1 Roll Call

Record of participation is at the top of this minutes.

GV noted that Madhvi Gokool sent her apologies in advance of the call.

2 Minutes Review 15 March 2017

NN asked for any comments for the March minutes.

No comments received.

NN asked if there were any objections for the publication of the minutes.

No objections received.

NN called the minutes approved.

3 Review Open Actions

Action Item 20170315-01 JS and NN to discuss the production date of the report with the NRO EC for their decision and then share this with the RC


JS reported that they agreed with the NRO EC in a yearly report format from January through December. JS said that the NRO EC would like to see the report by mid year. JS added that the first report would include the period started with the signing of the IANA contract.

At this point BJ asked if there were observers on the cal.

NN said that the IANA RC teleconferences are open for observers.

GV reported that Izumi Okutani, Jorge Villa and Ernest Majo were observers for this teleconference

Action Item 20170315-02 JS and NN to amend the length of the Chair and Co-Chair’s term noting that if there is a change before the end of the term, the new Chair or Co-Chair will serve for the balance of that term - 2.1.5 and 2.1.6


Action Item 20170315-03 Committee to review the proceedings and provide comments in two weeks.


Action Item 20170315-04 ND and RC RIR staff members to track status of the production of the performance standard metrics and provide regular updates.


ND reported that the IANA PTI and NRO EC agreed in a report format considering the operational requirements included in the section 4.3 of the contract. ND added that there are other reporting requirements that still needs to be developed like the cases of splitting /8 for transfer reasons.

BJ asked ND if they have a performance standard metrics draft plan to be shared with the IANA RC

ND said that the RIR staff were working on the plan and it’d be available for the IANA RC once there is an agreement from each RIR perspective.

Action Item 20170315-05 FY to look how community engagement can be included in the operating procedures with a light touch (that it will come naturally as being members of the RC)


FY reported that this was included in the last version of the IANA RC operating procedures.

4 IANA Review Committee Operating Procedures

NN asked if there were any comments or concerns in the last changes in the text of the operating procedures.

BJ suggested that at section 7 “Amending Operating Procedures”, any intention of amend should be included as part of the agenda meeting in advance.

NN said that at this point she want to reach consensus on the operating procedures. NN confirmed to BJ that she was taking on board his suggestion.

NN asked if last proposed changes in the text of the section 5.2 “Community Feedback” were acceptable.

FY said she was ok with the text.

NN suggested to adopt the procedures as there were no comments or objection.

BJ asked about his suggestion to be included as part of the operating procedures.

JS suggested the next text to be added to section 7…”When amended in a meeting, there must be 24 hours prior notice of the intent to amend the operating procedures.”

NN reminded that most of the committee work should be done in the mailing list. NN advised to be careful to have procedures that would add more meetings to the committee.

FY asked JS if amendment to the procedures can be made in the list.

JS considered that amendments could be made in the IANA RC list.

NN moved to adopt the procedures including the new text to section 7 based on BJ request.

NN asked that any further comments can be sent to the list.

5 IANA Performance Report Structure & Schedule

NN asked ND when the IANA RC could expect a draft structure of the RIR report.

after consulting EM, AH and GK; ND suggested 60 days for the RIR to present a draft report to the IANA RC

NN suggested once the draft report is presented the IANA RC takes 2 weeks to review it and then meet to confirm the template to be used for the community consultation.

6 Next Meeting

Based on the delivery of the RIR report, NN suggested that next meeting should be to discuss the RIR report and their own IANA RC format report. NN suggested that next meeting could be in August.


No other business was discussed

8 Adjourn

NN adjourned the meeting at 13:05 PM UTC

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