Dear colleagues,

Please find below the proposed agenda for our IANA RC meeting today. (Apologies for the lateness of this.)

0. Welcome & roll call

1. Agenda Review

2. Approval of Minutes of previous IANA RC meeting 

3. Review of Open Action Items

4. Proposed changes to the IANA RC operating procedures (JS: tabled Action Item 181219-04.)

5. IANA RC report post mortem (lessons learnt and improvement suggestions)

6. Next meeting 

7. AOB

8. Adjourn

Kind regards,


On 18 Mar 2019, at 12:50, German Valdez <> wrote:


Based on your input in the doodle poll (

The next IANA RC teleconference will take place this Wednesday 20th March 2019 12:00 PM UTC

Please refer to the below Webex information

IANA Review Committee
Wednesday 20 March 2019 12:00 PM UTC

Meeting number: 703 659 673
Meeting password: ianarc

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