Dear colleagues,

I hope you are all well and healthy!

As today’s meeting is a post mortem, and more of an open discussion, I do not intend to send out a very formal agenda. 
I propose the following informal agenda for today’s meeting:

Agenda IANA RC Teleconference 31 March 2020
0. Welcome
1. Approval of Minutes 
2. Review of Open Action Items
3. Post Mortem IANA RC report 2020
- Work plan
- Report format
- RIR Matrix
- Outreach
- Other
4. AOB
5. Next meeting
6. Adjourn

If people are feeling a slightly stronger need for social interaction than usual given the circumstances we are all in, I suggest that those who want to, can turn on their camera during today’s call. :)

Kind regards,


On 3 Mar 2020, at 13:53, German Valdez <> wrote:

Dear RC

This is just a friendly reminder for the next IANA Review Committee Teleconference to be held next week on Tuesday 31 March 2020 at 12:00 PM UTC.


German Valdez

Topic: IANA RC Post Mortem Report Teleconference
Time: Mar 31, 2020 12:00 PM GMT

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