Susannah (And the secretariat and staff),

As always, Thank you!

On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 6:08 PM Susannah Gray <> wrote:

Hi all,

Please find the updated procedures online at:

They can be accessed from this page:



On 24/08/2019 16:22, Jason Schiller wrote:

Just thought I would ping this thread to bring it back up to the top of the in box in support of ACTION ITEM 190320-1, and add the action item number to make the thread easy to find. 


On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 11:45 PM Jason Schiller <> wrote:

As promised I have put together proposed changes to our operating procedures.

To see a red-lined version with all changes as suggestions (or to make suggestions) see:

  The red-line document has suggestions and comments which you will not see 
  unless you are logged in to a gMail account and request access to comment.
  The document without the comments is the current procedures.

To see a pdf of the red-line changes see:

To see a clean copy with all changes accepted see:

To see this summary see:

There are two changes:

1. Section 5. Review process was rewritten and reorganized.

2. Preamble (section 0) text

As a reminder, none of this text has changed since April 2018.  So if you reviewed

the text then, this will look identical. (Of course if you did not have comment rights on

the Google Doc, and didn’t look at the text version included in the body of the email,

then you may not have seen these changes before.  Again my apologies for that.)

New section 5


"5. Review Process

At a time of the NRO EC’s choosing, the RIRs will publish an IANA Numbering

Services Review Matrix in January every year, summarizing the RIRs’ review of

the performance of the IANA numbering services in the last year. This review

matrix gets submitted to the Review Committee who passes it on to the five RIR

communities for a comment period of 30 days.

5.1 Expedited Performance Report

In the event there is a requirement to complete an expedited review, the NRO EC

chair will advise the Review Committee chairs of the requirement.  

5.2 Community Feedback

The Review Committee members are expected to be engaged with their respective

RIR communities during their term. They should communicate relevant

developments relating to the Committee to their respective community, and collect

feedback relevant to the IANA Numbering Services Operations from their respective

community.  This input will be provided to the RIRs as advice when appropriate.

These comments will be reviewed and summarized by the Review Committee and

included in the IANA Numbering Services Operations Performance Report."

Old section 5


"5. Review Process

At a time of the NRO EC’s choosing, the RIRs will publish an IANA Numbering

Services Review Matrix in January every year, summarizing the RIRs’ review of

the performance of the IANA numbering services in the last year. This review

matrix gets submitted to the Review Committee who passes it on to the five RIR

communities for a comment period of 30 days. The Review Committee members

are responsible to make sure their respective communities are informed about the

comment period, using their region’s relevant communication and announcement

channels. Following the closure of the public comment, the Review Committee

gathers input and comments from the five RIR communities, which it reviews and

summarises. The Review Committee compiles a final report on the review matrix,

with the summarised input appended, which it publishes and submits to the NRO

EC as advice. “

Changes to section 5


First two sentences were kept as is.

The rest of the text was largely about community input and rewritten into section 5.2

and the details of how the final report will be constructed (based on the matrix, and

that it is published and submitted to the NRO EC as advice) are largely lost.  We did

keep the notion that summarized community input will be reviewed and included in

the report, and also added that this advice can be sent (outside of a formal report)

to the RIRs as appropriate.

The old text on community input was primarily focused on ensuring the RIR

communities are aware of the report and its comment period, and the comments

are collected and considered.

The new text is a bit more general including the fact that the members are expected

to be “engaged” in both communicating relevant developments to the community and

collecting relevant feedback throughout their term (as opposed to only during the 30

day comment period).  It also scopes what is relevant as relating to IANA Numbering

Services Operations.

Section 5.2 supporting that the NRO can request an “out of cycle” report was added.

2. The following preamble text was added:

“The Review Committee’s function is to advise and assist the NRO EC in its periodic review of the service level of the IANA Numbering Services provided to the Internet Number Community.

The Review Committee is a tool for the Internet Number Community to evaluate and review performance of the IANA Numbering Services provided.  Review Committee will ensure community involvement and will support and enhance the multistakeholder model in a transparent, open, and bottom up process to ensure that the number resources component of the IANA operations meets the needs and expectations of its customers, namely the Internet numbers community.”

This was previously “section 0” text.  

We previously decided it wasn’t really Operating Procedures, but that it was important and placed the text on our web site.  The text was recently dropped from our web site during some editing in an effort to streamline the web site.

I think it is appropriate to include this text with (but maybe not necessarily a part of) our operating procedures, as the text is most likely to be relevant when considering the context of our operating procedures, and there very little burden to adding a paragraph to our operating procedures as compared to maintaining that text on our website.     



On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 11:50 PM Bertrand Cherrier <> wrote:
Thank you Susannah !

Enjoy thy week-end

Bertrand Cherrier
Administration Systèmes - R&D
Micro Logic Systems
Tél : +687 24 99 24
VoIP : 65 24 99 24
SAV : +687 36 67 76 (58F/min)

Le 12 mai 2018 à 12:09, Susannah Gray <> a écrit :

Hi RC, 

The new procedures have been uploaded:

(linked from here:



On 09/05/2018 02:26, Nurani Nimpuno wrote:
Thanks Ernesto, Nate, Mahdvi, Noah, and Nicolas for your supporting comments. 

I have seen no objections to the edits. As agreed, we will therefore adopt these changes into our operational procedures. 

German and the NRO secretariat, 
could I please ask you to incorporate these comments and update the PDF on the RC website?

Thanks and kind regards,


On 2 May 2018, at 08:00, Nurani Nimpuno <> wrote:

Thanks Jason.
This looks good.

As agreed, we will give everyone 7 days to review this and if there are no objections or further adjustments deemed necessary, we will adopt these changes as part of our operational procedures. 

Please provide any comments you may have before 9 May 12.00 UTC. 

Kind regards,

On 2 May 2018, at 02:49, Jason Schiller <> wrote:

As per our meeting I am providing our current operating procedures
(version 1) with edits.

The edits include new sections 5.1 and 5.2.  This is the text Filiz

In addition some text from section 5 has been removed as it has been 
superseded by the text in sections 5.1 and 5.2.

The new text is also included below for reference.

NOTE: There were other suggestions that are not included in this
update.  I would like to defer discussion of any other updates until after
this change is adopted unless you think the acceptance of this change
is dependent on one or more of the other suggested changes.



"5.1 Expedited Performance Report

In the event there is a requirement to complete an expedited review, the NRO EC chair will advise the Review Committee chairs of the requirement.

5.2 Community Feedback

The Review Committee members are expected to be engaged with their respective RIR communities during their term. They should communicate relevant developments relating to the Committee to their respective community, and collect feedback relevant to the IANA Numbering Services Operations from their respective community.  This input will be provided to the RIRs as advice when appropriate. These comments will be reviewed and summarized by the Review Committee and included in the IANA Numbering Services Operations Performance Report."

The removed section 5 text is as follows:

"The Review Committee members are responsible to make sure their respective communities are informed about the comment period, using their region’s relevant communication and announcement channels. Following the closure of the public comment, the Review Committee gathers input and comments from the five RIR communities, which it reviews and summarises. The Review Committee compiles a final report on the review matrix, with the summarised input appended, which it publishes and submits to the NRO EC as advice."

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Susannah Gray
NRO Secretariat Support  
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Susannah Gray
NRO Secretariat Support