- the MoU should have a mechanism (and a requirement) for the Numbers
Council to convene an annual General Assembly. The General Assembly
should be held in coordination with one of the RIR's regular membership
meeting. This should be added to the responsibilities in section 3.b of
the MoU.
- Section 3.b.3 should explicitly include the responsibility of the
Address Council in respect to selecting an ICANN Board member and a
representative to the ICANN Nominating Committee.
- A short Appendix (Appendix B) should be added to the document that
describes the agreement between ICANN and the NRO on how the transition
between the existing Address Council and the new Address Council should
take place. This need not be complicated, but it should be explicitly
included in the MoU. Perhaps the Appendix could simply describe an
approach that provided a common-sense, evolutionary transition for the
makeup of the new Address Council.
- The first paragraph of section 5 should be changed to the much simpler :
"Global policies are defined as policies that have the consensus of all
RIRs and ICANN." The concluding clause of the proposed text is too
limiting in the definition of global policy. A policy that has been
agreed to by all the RIRs through coordinated consensus building IS A
GLOBAL POLICY regardless of the interaction of IANA or any external body.
There is no need to limit the definition and it should not be limited.
- Appendix A refers to the "Chair of the Address Council," but the MoU
makes no requirement that the Address Council select a "Chair." This was
also the source of misunderstanding in the original Address Council.
Explicitly requiring that there be a chair, procedures for the chair's
annual election, and responsibilities/limitations of the chair would avoid
misunderstanding. While the NRO formation document suggests that a chair
of the Number Council should be elected, it is not explicit about the
responsibilities/limitations of the chair nor does it specify that the
Numbers Council chair should act as the chair of the Address Council.
- Section 3.C should be clear about what rights each liasions will have in
regard to the Address Council. If the suggestion is that the rights and
responsibilities of each liaison will be determined as each liaison
agreement is negotiated, simply add that note to 3.C. In particular, can
liaisons vote in the PDP? Can liaisons vote in the selection of ICANN
entities in 3.b.3? Or, is this determined on a "liaison-by-liaison" basis.
Mark McFadden
Address Council Representative, North America