To whom it may concern:
Attachment A of the MOU states in item #1...
"A proposed global policy can be submitted either to one of the RIR policy
fora (via mail lists or public policy meeting) or to the ASO Address Council
Item #16, under Considerations states...
"Through the provisions of an agreement to be executed between the RIRs and
ICANN, it is recognized that the ICANN Board has the ability to request that
the ASO Address Council initiate a policy development process through the
RIRs, using the policy development procedure described above."
So, these two paragraphs seem to indicate that if an entity other than ICANN
itself wishes a global policy to be placed in consideration it MUST come to
either a specific RIR policy forum or the ASO AC. In the event, a policy
proposal is made to ICANN directly, in one fashion or another, is it the
obligation of ICANN to redirect that initiative to the ASO AC, or may it
refer that proposal as its own?
I believe that any proposal intiative that comes to ICANN, by whatever
means, should be redirected without consideration to the ASO AC or a
specific RIR policy forum whose service region covers the requestor's
interests. I think that this eventuality should be specifically addressed
in the MOU and/or attachment.
In this way, the industry is specifically directed to follow a bottom up
process that encourages their involvement with their local community of
Bill Darte
Washington University in St. Louis
Center for the Application of Information Technology (CAIT)
314 935-7575