We could have the IETF Trust run the public comment, but put notice on the normal places for each of the OCs.  That would make sure that everyone is aware of the opportunity to comment.


On Aug 5, 2016, at 12:00 AM, Greg Shatan <gregshatanipc@gmail.com> wrote:

I think there's been some discussion of each community having their own community, but no decision's been made.

I certainly had assumed that there would be a comment period run through the ICANN website, like most (if not all) of the other implementation contracts and other documentation relating to implementing the transition. If you look at the ICANN public comment page at https://www.icann.org/public-comments, you'll see 2 open public comment periods, as well 3 recently closed public comment periods, relating to the IANA Transition.  It would be an odd outlier not to have a transition-related comment in the ICANN public comment system.

The ICANN public comment system is transparent -- the comments are announced by ICANN, each "comment forum" (to which the comments are submitted) is publicly available and stays publicly available as an archive (you can find comments going back years, if you want).  You can see and read submitted comments in real time.

How we deal with the comments after they're submitted is a different question (typically, ICANN staff collates the comments into charts and/or spreadsheets, often with a summary -- the exact process is figured out based on the nature and extent of comments.

Whether we do this only from the point of view of the names community (and other communities do their own thing), or this serves as a central comment repository is also something that needs to be discussed.

I went looking for the IETF Trust comment infrastructure.  I did find links to three public comment periods on the IETF Trust home page at http://trustee.ietf.org/.  Two of these link to pdf pages that request the comment.  One provides the trustees' email address, while the other does not say how to submit the comment.  The third one links to a text page requesting the comment, this one also does not say how to submit the comment.  I don't see a public repository of the comments received, or any public summary of the comments received.

Overall, it seems from what's available that we're best off using the ICANN public comment tools for this process, based both on its use for other transition-related comments and on the transparency of the tool in question.


On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 9:43 PM, Andrew Sullivan <ajs@anvilwalrusden.com> wrote:
Hi all,

At an informal Trust conference call[1] earlier today, one of the
things we talked about was how the public comment on the IPR
agreements could happen.  I think it would be good for the Trust to
run that public comment itself (and my colleagues seemed to agree).
Since the Trust is going to hold the IPR as a service to the Internet
community, it seems natural to reach out to the wider community and
make sure we're doing it "for the advancement of the science and
technology associated with the Internet and related technology."

I know we've all believed we were going to go to public comment, but I
don't think we said how we'd do it.  I have had the impression that
people have just been assuming (as I confess I have) that the Trust
was going to do it.  I can confirm that the Trust has the necessary
infrastructure to make it happen.

Alternatively, of course, we could just leave each community to run
its own thing, but I'm a little worried about how we collate the
inputs in that case, given that we'll only have about 2 weeks to do
it.  We've all got a lot of other things to do, so I thought it might
just be easier for everyone if the communities could point to the
single Trust comment forum.

I don't want to hijack the call tomorrow with this topic, so if people
have concerns it'd be great to get them on list in advance (though I
understand everyone's busy).


[1] Formally, the Trust couldn't have a meeting today because by the
time we realised we'd need it the notice period had been missed.  So
this was not a meeting of the Trust and no actual Trust decisions have
been reached.

Andrew Sullivan

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