Dear all,


Please see below the meeting notes and chat history from today’s IANA IPR follow-up call. The audio and AC room recordings are now posted at under “Meetings & Work Sessions” section.


*** Meeting Notes ***

IANA IPR follow-up Call

Monday, 8 August @ 15:00 UTC


Please note this call will be recorded.

To mute or unmute your phone, press *6 (star 6)



Alan Barrett (AFRINIC)

Alissa Cooper

andrew sullivan

Athina Fragkouli

Eduardo Jimenez (LACNIC´s Counsel)

Greg Shatan

Jari Arkko

Jari Arkko (2nd device)

Jennifer Chung

Jorge Contreras

Josh Hofheimer (Sidley)

Lise Fuhr

Ray Pelletier

Russ Housley

Samantha Eisner

scott bradner

Ted Hardie


Brenda Brewer

Nathalie Vergnolle

Trang Nguyen

Yuko Green




1. Status update from lawyers

2. Discussion of outstanding issues in the agreements

3. Update on process for public comment




1. Status update from lawyers

Legal groups have been working on all 3 agreements, which are all getting close to being finalized.

Group agrees that the documents can go into Public Comments with a few open issues that can be resolved during the public comment period.


2. Discussion of outstanding issues in the agreements

2.1 Community agreement:

Signing party for the RIRs

Art. 2.4 CCG Operational Procedures (TBD during PC period)

Art. 3.2.d Termination rights

Art. 4.4 Covenant

Exhibit B: putting off naming CCG - Exhibit to be removed

Exhibit A: Definition of the Names IANA services - ACTION: CWG to provide language before 08/11.


2.2 Licensing agreement:

Draft not ready for group distribution

Language on Root zone and registry management to be discussed

Language on subdomains to be discussed

ACTION: Draft to be distributed later today, and group to review draft prior to Wednesday's follow-up call.


3. Update on process for public comment

Cover note being drafted for ICG to start Public Comment.

No issues with using the ICG web site for the Public Comment process


ACTION: extend Wednesday's call to 2 hours (1600 UTC - 1800 UTC)




Nathalie Vergnolle: Hello everyone!


andrew sullivan: hi


Athina Fragkouli: hello all


Yuko Green 2: Lise would you please mute your microphone? it's beeping


Lise Fuhr: Sorry


Jari Arkko (2nd device): no objection, welcome!


Yuko Green 2: Thank you Lise


Alan Barrett (AFRINIC): Good to have Jennifer Chung here


Russ Housley: Welcome Jennifer


Jennifer Chung: Thank you and hello all.


Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): Good morning.  Jorge, please go ahead


Russ Housley: Audio is coming and going.  Is it just me?


Lise Fuhr: Audio good here


Russ Housley: Okay, I will drop and reconnect


Nathalie Vergnolle: Everyone has scrolling rights to look at the document


Alan Barrett (AFRINIC): The NRO is an unincorporated organization consisting of the five RIRs.  The NRO makes decisions only by unanimous consent of the five CEOs/Esecutive Directors of the RIRs.


Russ Housley 2: @Greg:  The NRO is not a legal enityt


Greg Shatan: Under California law, an unincorporated association can be considered as a legal entity with minor actions.


Eduardo Jimenez (LACNIC´s Counsel): Number Resource Organization


Alan Barrett (AFRINIC): NRO - Numbers Resource Organization


Alan Barrett (AFRINIC):


Alan Barrett (AFRINIC): Fine with one CCG co-chir being required to notify the entire CCG


Alan Barrett (AFRINIC): (sorry, NRO = Number Resource Organization (singular Number, not plural Numbers)


Ray Pelletier: CCG is to work out its own operating proccedures


Alissa Cooper 2: +1, those are TBD but we do not need to resolve those this week


andrew sullivan: +1


Athina Fragkouli: The RIRs can only exercise their rights and/or powers under this Agreement by acting collectively and unanimously.


andrew sullivan: I think consistency with other docs seems good


Alan Barrett (AFRINIC): the text Athina pasted is from section 3.3 of the SLA between RIRs and ICANN for the IANA Numbers Service


Ray Pelletier: I'd like to see language, wasn't clear


Athina Fragkouli: @Ray I will post it now


Lise Fuhr: @Athina thank you wasn't clear to me either


Athina Fragkouli: This is the suggested alternative text:


Athina Fragkouli: The CCG co-chair representing an Operational Community shall have theright to notify the IETF Trust of the termination of the serviceagreement between the relevant Operational Community and thethen-current IANA Operator with respect to such Operational Community’sdesignated IANA Service.


Athina Fragkouli: no worries, thank you


Greg Shatan: Agree with Josh.  It basically goes without saying, but no harm in saying it, especially if there's any impression that the CCG members might do otherwise (act on their own initiative).


andrew sullivan: Agree with the possibility of putting off naming CCG


Alissa Cooper 2: agree with greg, could be tough timing-wise


Lise Fuhr: Agree


Greg Shatan: I'm beginning to feel like a Futurist....


Lise Fuhr: Support to remove before PC


Greg Shatan: We could get rid of it and still choose the CCG reps befdore its signed.


Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): +1 Greg


Greg Shatan: Good


Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): The "IANA Naming Functions Agreement" would be the appropriate term, and includes underlying SLAs


Ray Pelletier: @Greg draft language


Ray Pelletier: +1 Greg


Ted Hardie: Are we going to have this draft displayed?


Jorge Contreras: @Ted - draft still has some wrinkles - will be distributed later today incorporating feedback from this call


andrew sullivan: I can send a draft today


andrew sullivan: to the list


Russ Housley 2: Plan seems fine to me


Samantha Eisner: Who can add me to the email list?


Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): Alissa - Do you want to consider making Wednesday a 2-hour call?


andrew sullivan: @Sam: according to Jorge, he got a note that you have been added already


Alissa Cooper 2: if people think we need it, sure


Samantha Eisner: @Andrew, great.  Thanks.


andrew sullivan: Better to make it 2 hours and go shorter than the converse


Samantha Eisner: Confirmed


Jari Arkko (2nd device): i'm ok for the extension


Athina Fragkouli: OK by me


scott bradner: i will miss the wed call altogether (previous commitment)


Jari Arkko (2nd device): I think the IAB call ends 30min before the scheduled start of the weds call.


Jorge Contreras: I can go later indefninitely, but only 30 minutes earlier due to prior commitments


Alan Barrett (AFRINIC): I might be late to join the Wednesday call, but OK for adding an additional hour at the end


Lise Fuhr: Bye all


Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): thanks everyone for the prompt input


Eduardo Jimenez (LACNIC´s Counsel): thanks


Athina Fragkouli: thank you all


Alan Barrett (AFRINIC): Thanks


Ray Pelletier: good job


Greg Shatan: Bye all!


Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): Brenda and Yuko -- Please add Sharon Flanagan to the call on Wednesday from Sidley.








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