Dear all,


Please find below the notes and chat of today’s IANA IPR call.

Recordings of the meeting will be posted under the Meetings and Work Session section of the Implementation page found here:






IANA IPR Follow-Up Call on Thursday, 18 August @ 17:00 UTC 


Alan Barrett

Alissa Cooper

Andrew Sullivan

Greg Shatan

Jari Arkko

Jonathan Robinson

Josh Hofheimer (Sidley)

Ray Pelletier

Russ Housley

Samantha Eisner

Ted Hardie

Trang Nguyen

Yael Resnick (Sidley)

Brenda Brewer

Nathalie Vergnolle

Yuko Green




No public comments received yet.


1. Outstanding items in the community agreement

·  Names community signatory: 

            - ICANN currently the front runner. CWG actively exploring this option.

            - Discussed if/how this could affect other parties/other parts of the agreement

            - Point will be further discussed once it has been further looked into by CWG/Sidley


2. Outstanding items in the license agreement

·  Definition of Names Community (1.24)

            - Currently TBD in the agreement

            - Item being discussed by CWG

Action: CWG to provide definition when it becomes available

·  Arbitration items: number of arbitrators and location (7.4)

            - Item being discussed


3. Timing for CCG member appointments

·  NRO expecting to be ready by end of September, when the agreement will be signed

·  IETF expressed concern that there may not be sufficent time to run the normal process for selection of CCG members, and an interim solution may be necessary

·  CWG working towards having a solution in place before end of September

4. Approach to establishment of CCG operating procedures

·  Cf. art 2.4 of Community agreement

5. Future call scheduling

ACTION (Staff): Weekly calls to be scheduled for next 3 weeks (preferably after CWG calls)


  Yuko Green:Hi everybody, welcome to IANA IPR follow-up call!

  Jonathan Robinson:We do not have scroll rights on the doc in the Adobe

  Yuko Green:I just released the scroll rights

  Jonathan Robinson:Thank you Yuko

  Greg Shatan:Sorry to be delayed.

  Greg Shatan:TBD has been incorrporated as Technical Buyers of Domains, Inc.

  Alissa Cooper:lulz

  Jonathan Robinson:@Greg. Good point. I had converged Names Community and Names Services in my thinking.

  Josh Hofheimer (Sidley):There is nothing for the Names Community to sign in this document.

  Greg Shatan:Understood, but we still need to say who they are....

  Greg Shatan:or who we are.

  Greg Shatan:Since it's not a notice that needs to come from a signatory party, there's a little more flexibility in saying who taht is.

  Alan Barrett:how wrong would it be to say Names Community = {some list of ICANN subsets, including at least ccNSO + gNSO}

  Jonathan Robinson:@Alan. Discussion along those lines took place today but it is not settled e.g. there are a reasonable number of ccTLDs outside of the ccNSO

  Greg Shatan:Whoever it is, is only the messenger.

  Ted Hardie:@Jonathan would it be fair to say that they are "that portion of the Name Community that picks the representives for CCG"?

  Ted Hardie:Name/Names

  Jonathan Robinson:@Ted. Possibly but work in progress

  andrew sullivan:Ok here

  andrew sullivan:Yeah, we could definitely do an interim thing in time

  andrew sullivan:I agree

  Ted Hardie:Sorry, the mic claims it is live; I will log out and long back in

  andrew sullivan:I think that my main point was in line with what Jari is suggesting

  andrew sullivan:It doesn't seem to me that there'll be any thing actually to do on day 1

  Jonathan Robinson:@Alissa. Got it. Thank-you

  Ted Hardie:I think interim is the wrong formulation.

  Ted Hardie:I think we can make appointments, and set deadlines for new appointments

  Greg Shatan:"Initial"?

  andrew sullivan:we don't need to set such deadlines, though

  andrew sullivan:because the communities can remove and replace as they want

  Ted Hardie:If need be, I believe the IETF/IAB can do that.

  Jari Arkko:fwiw I am happy with the interim approach, certainly could be done from IETF side.

  Jonathan Robinson:Andrew faded for me too

  andrew sullivan:Sorry.  My point was just that I thought we'd decided this in

  andrew sullivan:the earlier principles discussion

  andrew sullivan:and I am not sure why we want to reopen it

  andrew sullivan:none here

  Jonathan Robinson:OK with me

  Ray Pelletier:concur

  Ted Hardie:No objections

  Greg Shatan:Indubitably.

  Jonathan Robinson:Thursday this type of time typically follows CWG meeting so names are "up to date"

  Jonathan Robinson:Thanks all

  Ray Pelletier:at first meeting CCG to adopt procedures

  andrew sullivan:thanks!  Bye all

  Ted Hardie:Thanks, bye all

  Alan Barrett:thanks