Dear all,


Please find below the notes and chat of IANA IPR call #8, held on 08 Aug 16.

Recordings of the meeting are currently unavailable due to a technical issue. They will be posted under the Meetings and Work Session section of the Implementation page found here: if the issue can be resolved.


Thank you.




IANA IPR Follow-Up Call Thursday, 25 August @ 16:30 UTC 


1. Legal issues deferred from last week

·       Indemnification: nature and duration (assignment agreement) - to be discussed with ICANN Legal

·       Arbitration items (license agreement) - Art. 7.4 has a few brackets that need to be eliminated. - to be discussed with ICANN Legal

2. Update on CWG issues discussed last week

·       Names community signatory (community agreement) - ICANN will be the counterparty. Looking into ways to proceed without bylaws changes. 

·       Definition of names community - under discussion, still to be determined.

3. Proposed timeline and process for comment handling

·       ACTION (staff): send doodle for meetings on Sept 19 (2hrs) and Sept 21 (1hr)

·       ACTION (staff): send doodle for follow-up call week of Sept 5th.


  Brenda Brewer:Good day all and welcome to the IANA IPR Follow-up call on Thursday, 25 August 2016 @ 16:30 UTC!

  Josh Hofheimer (Sidley):Have there been many comments, or more specifically any substantive responses requestingchanges

  Josh Hofheimer (Sidley):Correct, CWG does not have any significant concerns, and no comment on the indemnity issue

  Alan Barrett:Josh: comments are here:

  Alan Barrett:There has been only one comment so far, from the NRO, supporting the draft agreements.

  Trang Nguyen:Sorry, having trouble connecting audio

  Trang Nguyen:Will be happy to touch base with Sam regarding this.

  Lise Fuhr:Agree

  andrew sullivan:hurray!

  Greg Shatan:If we wanted to formally expand the IANA Function Review's scope to reviewing ICANN's performance as the signatory, that would require a Bylaws change.  But that lily does not need to be gilded.

  Greg Shatan:Not that I know of.

 Jari Arkko:I have heard only what Andrew said

  Nathalie Vergnolle:Correct, no call scheduled.

  andrew sullivan:Note that this slot will _not_ work on the 8th because the Trust is meeting then