Dear All,


We sent this a week ago for your review and we think it would be good to have a call next week before the ICANN meeting in Helsinki. We would like to discuss the following issues:

1.       The advice from the different legal advisors

2.       How to implement and process the advice


How is your availability next week, and how far are you in getting legal advice on the document?



Jonathan and Lise




From: Lise Fuhr
Sent: 02 June 2016 15:27
Subject: Proposed Principal Terms of IANA Intellectual Property Agreements


Dear All,


The CWG first assumed that we would work in consecutive order with the IPR document and the legal advisors. We flagged this to this group, but since we apparently didn’t receive any legal input from either of you (please bear with us if we are wrong and resend any input) we went ahead and asked for legal advice on the document. We got this advice very recently and are about to send it to the CWG for discussion. In order to keep you informed we enclose the preliminary response from our advisors including their questions. If you have any response from your advisors please share them with us in order to continue the dialogue.


Best regards,

Jonathan and Lise