The intent here seems to be allow the Licensee to create subdomains as necessary to perform its services, but to limit the creation of the subdomains.  As part of that, there is a grant to continue to use all subdomains already created as of the date of the license.  To avoid confusion, would it be useful to enumerate those currently in existence? Exhibit B lists the domain names, and likely could be used to enumerate the current subdomains.

Good idea.  Do we know these, or is this something that we need from ICANN?

The current language explicitly designates the technical contact, but I did not see language that explicitly names the administrative contact.  I think we all understand that it will be the licensor or the licensor's designee, but would it be useful to spell that out?


Also, the current language presumes that there is a single technical contact.  In discussions in one of the meetings, I believe we noted cases where there might, in future, be more than one.  For the purposes of public comment, I suggest we shift the language to "designates Licensee a technical contact" (rather than "the technical contact") in Article 3, 3.2 and then, in Exhibit E., have i say "For change to the technical contact information associated with Licensee" (or something similar). 

Good idea.  I’ll do this.